Either way, these strange advisers have a variety of quests for the party. The dark lords are advised by Maximus, Dark Shade, and Kastore. The lords of light are advised by Sir Caneghem, Craig Hack, and Resurrectra. Much later in the game, after the party has chosen whether to support good or evil, they are introduced to three 'advisers' for the lords they have chosen to support.
The opening cut scene of VII seems impenetrable at first: eight SCUBA-suited aliens emerge from the surf. Nowhere is this more apparent than late in Might & Magic VII (1999), and the next three paragraphs are going to contain some pretty big spoilers for that game. The introductory screens to this game are quite explicit about that. If they're not paying attention, they can 'win' without ever really understanding. In Might and Magic, it's that the heroes are always local yokels on a world in which cosmic things are happening. In Ultima, it's that the Avatar always gets called through a moongate when Britannia needs help, and Shamino, Iolo, and Dupre are always there. In the Elder Scrolls, it's that the protagonist always begins imprisoned. Many series have a trope that ties the entries together.